Search Results (3 titles)

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Western Europe (X) Sociology (X) Drama and Literature (X)

Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 
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Tokyo to Tijuana: Gabriele Departing America

By: Steven David Justin Sills

...toward the Royal Museum, began to walk to a distant place where a woman in a western wedding dress stood at a pond posing for a picture with her groom... ...ost powerful nation on the Earth (at least it was at the present date if the European Union "stayed out of things"-a common idea of his father's that ... ...irt the way Americans envisioned most all other countries including those in Western Europe. "Everyone wants to talk to you in English." "But I don't ... ...way Americans envisioned most all other countries including those in Western Europe. "Everyone wants to talk to you in English." "But I don't want to,... ...was the collective culture in the earliest of all primitive American, if not western minds, and so inescapable in a sense. On that day she brought her... ...ill, there was no escape from the West for fresher lies. The whole world was western now. All that was possible was to abscond from it as much as poss... ...cans once said that the military cost of their civil wars were the result of Western colonial boundaries fusing incompatible tribes into nations, keep... ...age: a diminishing but still open animus toward her for the trip to Asia and Europe without him, resenting this distribution of her attention to inclu... ...--the cat, Mouse, having succumbed to cancer shortly after she returned from Europe and its body placed in a shoe box that was buried in the forest be...

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New Life Incognita

By: Gracie C. Mckeever

...squeezed against, aren't they? "...considered good luck to own in parts of Europe, England and the U.S.." "Huh?" Tyler shook his head, raised his eyes... ..., then bringing his finger to his mouth and blowing on it like a spaghetti western gunslinger. Kelly panicked, ran up the stairs, shot a look back to ...

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Pink Lotus

By: Manfred Mitze of the last century until the year 2000 may not seem like a long time, but to remember standing at the crossroads of a small town in the middle of Western Germany when John F. Kennedy was assassinated seems like the brink of eternity. Walter had been locked up; had survived stabbing; was spit on, yelled at, and cursed; and had stuff thrown at him. One Sunday morning, h...

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Records: 1 - 3 of 3 - Pages: 

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