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By: Florentin Smaradanche

...cealed and absurd. Something, that is dissimulated under the level of the logical acceptance, jumps out abruptly in the main point to consider and c... ... the soundness of their example, a not counterfeited generalization. As a consequence, there become cultivated banality and narrative style, public ... ...modernist, is surpassed, in our own case, by the proper concretion of its consequences: undermining of the unidirectional gravity, encircling of the ... ... Giovani Vattimo calls the weak thought - a slackening, a lessening of the logical normativeness, of the emphasis of the existence, of the scientific... ...silence, or illuminating silence. What results from this is the shortened consequence of an inner ecstatic travel. If deductive writings generally... ... the theory, paradoxism spiritualizes the writing by another way than the logical and consecutive one, that it substitutes with a spontaneity of the ... ...ures. First view: the trade in art. The intentional substitution claims a logical artifice: if in the paradoxist books the reader finds all that doe... ...haracter of movement - of the initiator theoretician and literary man. In consequence it is about a passing, in the economy of the whole work, from ... ...xism (which I have reproduced in another chapter of the present book). In consequence and in consensus with his new directives, the largest part of ...

...the second one, that comes immediately, is the perception of something concealed and absurd. Something, that is dissimulated under the level of the logical acceptance, jumps out abruptly in the main point to consider and constrains to acknowledgment. It looks as if it were an error, but not so big as to take alarm and not even to be clearly inhibited. It is a mechanism...

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