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Chicago Manual of Style

By: University of Chicago

...e wields her scepter mercilessly;" Vice in the old English morality-plays. 23. " Father" used for church father, and "reformers" used of Reformatio... ...e it prints in caps and small caps. - - -- - -p Manual of Style: Italics 23 Books of the Bible, both canonical and apocryphal, and titles of anc... ..., except in statistical matter or in long enumerations : from January I to April 15 (omit, after dates, st, d, and th). 93. "United States," except... ...traight smll caps of the type of the text in which the table is inserted. 23 I. Specimen tables for illustration : TABLE I SERIES OF HEADS OF BAN... ... 79 35 ..... 26 155 15 cm. 187.1 186.9 184.8 186.2 186.25 Girls 23 5 . . 6 34 Total 13,253 4,777 7,087 6,337 8,994 40,448 ... ...s to put in roman type between quotation marks. This line is set in roman. 23 5. Type with a sloping face is called italic or italics. Italic is in...

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