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Logical consequence (X) English (X) Naval Science (X) Science (X) Penn State University's Electronic Classics (X) Fiction (X)

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The Country of the Blind and Other Stories

By: H. G. Wells

...scover I was peering into remote and mysterious worlds ruled by an or- der logical indeed but other than our common sanity. The ‘nineties was a good a... ...ud- den change in the field of force due to the lightning. He thinks, as a consequence of this, that it may be possible to live visually in one part o... ... die in the grip of the Great Dynamo he had been a little scared about the consequences of his act. Yet he felt strangely elated, and knew that the fa... ...the great feud between Hapley and Professor Pawkins, though certain of its consequences may be new to you. For those who have not, a word or two of ex... .... I was inclined to imagine there was still some hiatus in my memory, as a consequence of my draught of that strange liqueur; that I had come into my ... ...shed ashore near Torquay, and a few days later a boat from the Marine Bio- logical station, engaged in dredging off Plymouth, picked up a rotting spec... ...a proverbial expression! The evi- dence of his absolute disappearance as a consequence of that explosion is indubitable. It is not necessary to enlarg... ... equally be- tween his biological work at the College and social and theo- logical theorising, an employment which he took in deadly earnest. Of a nig... ...e acceptable haziness. And from that, following, as I must admit, no clear logical path, he came to the test of experiment. He pointed resolutely to h...

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North America Volume One

By: Anthony Trollope

...ent of the other part, opposition from the North and war was an inevitable consequence. It is, I think, only necessary to look back to the Revo- lutio... ...rance, however, having been made at the in- stance of Napoleon, and not in consequence of any de- mand made by the States. The district then called Lo... ...have acquired has been the cause of their success. It does not follow as a consequence that the Canadas, fighting their battle alone in the world, cou... ...tion might stand in their way. But I fear that it does follow, if not as a logical conclusion, at least as a natural result, that they never will do s... ... thing beautiful, but on account of the immediate reward which will be its consequence. Smith is enjoined not to cheat Jones, because he will, in the ... ...the Federal government has been called to the war, and have become bold in consequence. When I was at St. Paul I heard of a party of Englishmen who ha... ... on the States. The political action of the States is undoubtedly the more logical and the clearer. That, indeed, of England is so illogical and so li... ...e classed with any religious association. The line of argu- ment is hardly logical, the conclusion not being in accor- dance with or hanging on the fi...

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In the Fourth Year Anticipations of a World Peace

By: H. G. Wells

...sses of mankind. And this state of affairs may come about more easily than logical, statistical-minded people may be disposed to think. Our first impu... ...whose intensity officialdom would do well to ponder. But it is the natural consequence of, it is the popular attempt at a corrective to, the aloofness... ...troublesome thing to elect them, but it will involve much more troublesome consequences if they are not elected. This, I think, is one of the consider... ...But so soon as the League takes on the shape its general proposition makes logically necessary, the armament interest will take fright. Then it is we ... concede that. But in practice this involves something else. A practical consequence of this disarmament idea must be an effective control of the im... ... we are united. The question I would put to the reader is this: Are we all logically, sincerely, and fully carrying out the plain implica- tions of th... ...complete change in international methods, and we are bound to stick to the logical conse- quences of that. We have placed ourselves on the side of dem... things. Life is full of vestigial struc- tures, and it is a long way to logical perfection. Let us keep on, they would argue, with what we have. An... ...nd alone again and be secure. And turning now to the other aspect of these consequences of the development of material science, it is too often as- su...

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Best of Freshman Writing

By: Suzanne Harper

...hristian evan- gelical congressmen and senators. On an issue of such great consequence, our Administrations voice must be heard. If judges insist on o... ..., , , , however, isn’t without faults, according to his wife. Richard uses logical reasoning and Vera relies on mood and feeling when dealing with cer... ... (assertions in writing terms) one needs to pro- vide evidence in a highly logical fashion. This in- cludes providing the reader with the very best so...

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...d all sorts of reasons for this deci- sion. A whole serics of sensible and logical considerations showing it to be essential for him to go to Petersbu... ...He did not even remember how formerly, on the strength of similar wretched logical arguments, it had seemed obvious that he would be degrading himself... ...t such moments he was particularly cold, stern, and above all unpleasantly logical. “My dear,” Princess Mary entering at such a moment would say, “lit... ...ed his weak, human, unheroic sides; but as it was, Speranski’s strange and logical turn of mind inspired him with respect all the more because he did ... ... of a satirist, and laugh ironically at his op- ponents; now grow severely logical, or suddenly rise to the realm of metaphysics. (This last resource ... ...; he was not thinking about her, but only picturing her to himself, and in consequence all life ap- peared in a new light. “Why do I strive, why do I ...

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War and Peace

By: Leo Tolstoy, Graf

...ce—acknowledged even by the enemy—with which the Russians fought, the only consequence of these actions was a yet more rapid retreat. Austrian troops ... ...soldiers have to be incited to battle by highfalutin words, and Germans by logical ar- guments to show them that it is more dangerous to run away than... was no answer to any of these questions, ex- cept one, and that not a logical answer and not at all a reply to them. The answer was: “Y ou’ll die... ... his success and at the inability of others to understand these things. In consequence of this discov- ery his whole manner of life, all his relations... ...e field marshal is angry with the Emperor and he punishes us all, isn’t it logical? “This is the first act. Those that follow are naturally increasing... ...reasons for 238 War & Peace this decision. A whole serics of sensible and logical con- siderations showing it to be essential for him to go to Peters... ...e did not even remember how formerly , on the strength of similar wretched logical arguments, it had seemed obvious that he would be de- grading himse... ...he was not thinking about her, but only pictur- ing her to himself, and in consequence all life appeared in a new light. “Why do I strive, why do I to... ...s incapable of considering how his actions might affect others or what the consequences of this or that action of his might be. He was convinced that,...

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The 9/11 Commission Report Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

By: Thomas H. Kean

...ial security measures. Under security rules in place at the time, the only consequence of Atta’s selection by CAPPS was that his checked bags were hel... ...d because the agent found both of the passengers to be suspicious.The only consequence of their selection was that their checked bags were held off th... curate accounts created the impression that the Langley scramble was a logical response to an actual hijacked aircraft. In fact, not only was the ... ...related to the W orld Trade Center bombing and other plots. An unfortunate consequence of this superb investigative and prosecutorial effort was that ... ...cedures was ignored routinely. 37 We will describe some of the unfortunate consequences of these accumulated institutional beliefs and prac- tices in ... ...lly ended in negotiations, an ambassador or other embassy official was the logical person to represent U.S. interests. Keeping U.S. diplomatic efforts... ...hile targets, such as other al Qaeda leaders or stocks of chemical or bio- logical weapons. 117 Clarke was not alone in his enthusiasm. He had backing... ...hdhar several years later. 13 The circumstantial evidence makes Thumairy a logical person to consider as a possible contact for Hazmi and Mihdhar.Y et... ...82 Mullah Omar is reported to have opposed this course of action for ideo- logical reasons rather than out of fear of U.S. retaliation. He is said to ...

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Memories and Portraits

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

... erate care, and none ever had more certificates for less edu- cation. One consequence, however, of my system is that I have much less to say of Profe... ...n- sole; books of a large design, shadowing the complexity of that game of consequences to which we all sit down, the hanger-back not least. But the a... them indeed; but when they were done, I could see they were rubbish. In consequence, I very rarely showed them even to my friends; and such friends... ...r and answer arguments, not only with natural wisdom, but with candour and logical honesty. But if the subject of debate be something in the air, an a... ...t of debate be something in the air, an abstraction, an excuse for talk, a logical Aunt Sally, then may the male debater instantly abandon hope; he ma...

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