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The Conundrums of Psychology

By: Sam Vaknin

...py has been castigated as a crude form of brainwashing within cult-like settings. Feminists criticize Freud for casting women in the role of "defe... ...istic worldview (replete with bases and superstructures). It is a rejection of the Marxist theorization of ideology. It is a rejection of the Hegel... ...nd of defective answers to excluded questions. (5) The task of "scientific" (e.g., Marxist) discourse, of Althusserian critical practice is to deco... ...the material practice of the ideology (consumption, in this case). Althusser was a Marxist. The dominant mode of production in his days (and even m... ...is otherwise brilliant observations to oblivion. Note In Althusser's writings the Marxist determination remains as Over-determination. This is a s...

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