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The Suffering of Being Kafka

By: Sam Vaknin

...s – watched the town transformed, roads asphalted, children turn adults, bringing their off-spring to buy from him a stick of bitter black chewing g... ...hey say. And I rehearse in hopeful genuflection: "You mustn't send a Jewish prisoner to an Arab-infested prison. After all, I was held up by Arab a... ...terfeit. I may be violent. The innocent looking are the really dangerous. I may even be an Arab, impossible to tell them apart nowadays. A web of m... ...porting heavy bust, the other clutching a sheaf of papers densely written in calligraphic Arabic. "Driver" – the mob exclaims – "There is an Arab ... ...ithout braking, he turns around and enquires: "What is it? What's the matter?" "There's an Arab woman here" – one volunteers to edify him – "She is... ...ng to have a chat with your supervisors. You can forget about this cosy job of yours!" The Arab stands mute, vigilantly monitoring the commotion. A ... ...nd still a toddler, unemployed, subsisting on the marrow of this old man here…" My uncle, springing to his feet, circumnavigated the table to face... ...to indict us both. I knotted my tie the way Eli taught me and donned a jacket. Bathed in a springtime sun, I headed towards the flower clock near t...

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