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Emma and the Minotaur

By: Jon Herrera

... of a tree, the diminutive Emma finds herself face to face with the colossal Minotaur. Following a narrow escape, Emma discovers that she is the only one who has any chance to stop him. On her way to an impossible confrontation, Emma will learn that the crisis is greater than it seems, and that at stake are the fates of those she cares about the most, and that of the en...

...nto the air again. “I can listen to animals!” she said. A bus pulled up at that moment and the people who had been waiting for it climbed in. A number of them cast quick glances at Emma as they departed. When the bus drove away, Emma saw that there was a hospital across the street. There was a sprawling parking lot in front of it. “He’ll take me where I need to...

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