• Seraj Ahmad Misbahi
    Author's photo GeneralInfo
Seraj Ahmad Misbahi is a classical Islamic scholar and English-Arabic-Urdu writer. He has graduated from a leading Islamic seminary of India, Al Jamiatul Ashrafia, Mubarakpur, Azamgarh,( U P)Presently, he is pursuing his PhD in JamiaMilliaIslamia, New Delhi.
General Information:

I was born on 07/11/1992 in UP, India. I got primary education in my village and then at the age of nine I got admission in Madrsa for the memorization of the holy Quran, Alhamdulillah, I completed this process within four years and continued my education in Islamic studies at Darul Uloom Alima, Basti until I completed this nine years course of Fazilah in 2014 at the Arabic University of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia, Mubarakpur, Azamgarh along with my graduation in B. A. (Distance Course) from Maulana Azad National Urdu University. In this thirteen to fourteen years period, I have completed Urdu & Arabic Diploma (NCPUL) CABA MDTP and CCC courses of computer from NIELT Chandigarh. In order to pursue higher studies, I applied for M. A. in Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi wherein I have passed out this course in 2016 along with JRF Award (Junior Research Fellowship) at the end of 2015. For further study, I was selected for M. Phil. (Master of Philosophy) in University of Delhi. Alhamdulillah, I was conferred the award of M. Phil. in 2018. In Feb 2019, I have been selected for Ph. D in Jamia Millia Islamia.

My Books and Lectures: Who is Imam Hussain? (English) The Political Legacy of Umar The Great (Arabic and English) The Introductory of Jamia Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki(English and Arabic) Practical Method of Arabic and English Translation (English and Arabic Lecture)

Experience: I have worked as Arabic into English and vice versa translator since February 2016 till 09/2018 in “ Data Flow Groups Services (India) Private Limited” located In Noida, India. It is a pioneer Middle East based leading company for background screening. I have joined Aegis Global known as Startek (Gurgaon) as a Senior Executive in department of operation in November 2018 till 03/2020.

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المصباح للكفاءة في الاختبار التنافسي

By: by Seraj Ahmad Misbahi

المصباح للكفاءة في الاختبار التنافسي

المصباح للكفاءة في الاختبار التنافسي

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Who is Imam Hussain?

By: by Seraj Ahmad Misbahi

Who is Imam Hussain?

Who is Imam Hussain?

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His Eminence Allama Maqbool Ahmad Al-Salek Al-Misbahi : His Eminen...

By: by Seraj Ahmad Misbahi

The religious services performed by Hazrat Allama Maqbool Ahmad Al-Salek Al-Misbahi are recognized. His Islamic and intellectual efforts and services in spreading Islamic teachings are widely appreciated. He is considered one of the pioneers of the great Islamic mission for the new generation. In recognition of his Islamic services, he was conferred many awards and medals.

The religious services performed by Hazrat Allama Maqbool Ahmad Al-Salek Al-Misbahi are recognized. His Islamic and intellectual efforts and services in spreading Islamic teachings are widely appreciated. He is considered one of the pioneers of the great Islamic mission for the new generation. In recognition of his Islamic services, he was conferred many awards and medals.

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Jamia Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki : Jamia Khwaja Qutbuddin Ba...

By: by Seraj Ahmad Misbahi

Jamia Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki is one of the reputed Islamic seminary in New Delhi. The Islamic services offered by Jamia Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki are appreciable.

Jamia Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki is one of the reputed Islamic seminary in New Delhi. The Islamic services offered by Jamia Khawaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki are appreciable.

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A Step Toward Destination For New Generation

By: by Seraj Ahmad Misbahi

THE STATUS OF MADRSAS IN OUR COUNTRY: There are some reputed Jamia like Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Darul Uloom like Alimia in northern India that is located in east U.P. As it is obvious throughout the usual inspections that the most of students of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia are proportionally talented, genius and intellectuals on the background of their capabilities in comparison to others. Ther are many other Madrsas that have played vital role in this regard. The...

THE STATUS OF MADRSAS IN OUR COUNTRY: There are some reputed Jamia like Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Darul Uloom like Alimia in northern India that is located in east U.P. As it is obvious throughout the usual inspections that the most of students of Al Jamiatul Ashrafia and Alimia are proportionally talented, genius and intellectuals on the background of their capabilities in comparison to others. Ther are many other Madrsas that have played vital role in this regard. The...

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The Political Legacy of Umar The Great : Seraj Ahmad Misbahi, Volu...

By: by Seraj Ahmad Misbahi

Foreword Reasons to Write on This Topic: The Political Legacy of Umar The Great 1 - To raise the awareness of distinguished pioneer scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnat in India toward taking advanced initiatives to participate in politics and judiciary and the executive body of the Indian government to safeguard their shared rights and secure the future of generations to come. 2. After close observing the current conditions in India in term of the proportion of Muslims withi...

Foreword Reasons to Write on This Topic: The Political Legacy of Umar The Great 1 - To raise the awareness of distinguished pioneer scholars of Ahl-e-Sunnat in India toward taking advanced initiatives to participate in politics and judiciary and the executive body of the Indian government to safeguard their shared rights and secure the future of generations to come. 2. After close observing the current conditions in India in term of the proportion of Muslims withi...

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