Title: Pasha of Baghdad
Author: |
by Arif Alwan |
Publisher: |
Mira Publishing House cic |
Language: |
Arabic |
Date: |
Collections: |
Authors Community, Art |
Subjects: |
Fiction, Drama and Literature, Art |
Title: Tartuffe
Author: |
by Arif Alwan |
Publisher: |
Mira Publishing House cic |
Language: |
Arabic |
Date: |
Collections: |
Authors Community, Art |
Subjects: |
Fiction, Drama and Literature, Theatre |
Title: Babylon’s Destruction
Author: |
by Arif Alwan |
Publisher: |
Mira Publishing House cic |
Language: |
Arabic |
Date: |
Collections: |
Authors Community, Art |
Subjects: |
Fiction, Drama and Literature, Art |
Title: Orange Room
Author: |
by Arif Alwan |
Publisher: |
Mira Publishing House cic |
Language: |
Arabic |
Date: |
Collections: |
Authors Community, Art |
Subjects: |
Fiction, Drama and Literature, Art |
Title: The Skeikh's Detective
Author: |
by Arif Alwan |
Publisher: |
Mira Publishing House cic |
Language: |
Arabic |
Date: |
2012 |
Collections: |
Authors Community, Literature |
Subjects: |
Fiction, Drama and Literature, Novel |