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Non-Violence: Ahimsa (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may become curious as to what is ahimsa (non violence), and inspired to practice it. But understanding how to live in non violence is not as simple as it seems, and practicing no violence in daily life can quickly become bewildering. To someone just beginning to cultivate non-violence, daily interactions might even begin to feel like the very definition of conflict! In the book “Non-Violence”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self ...

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Adjust Everywhere (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Life requires continuous adjustment in relation to unpleasant and unfavorable circumstances. In everyday situations (such as opening an umbrella in the rain, or wearing a jacket in the cold) we generally don’t resist these required adjustments. However, when dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, in family relationships, or in the midst of marriage problems, adjustments become increasingly difficult. Some of our relationships could even be said to...

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Science of Speech (Abr.) (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life may naturally become inspired to live in peace and non violence. To learn spiritual practices to develop these values, one may turn to spiritual teachers, to different types of religion, or to different types of yoga. But beginning to cultivate spiritual awareness is not always as simple as it seems – especially in family relationships, in unhealthy relationships, or while dealing with difficult people. Daily interactions such as...

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Pratikraman (Abr.) (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life inevitably face challenges in their sincere pursuit of spirituality and practice. As spiritual development progresses, facing the many unintentional mistakes made through mind, speech, and conduct can become disconcerting. Naturally one begins to wonder, “Is it too late to apologize?”, “How to forgive and forget in unhealthy relationships?” and, “How to forgive yourself - both for mistakes of the past and for ongoing mistakes in...

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Harmony in Marriage: Happy Married Life (Abr.) (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Over the course of life, even in happy homes, it is only natural to encounter marriage problems. But, for some, the husband and wife relationship can be said to be the very definition of conflict! In the book “Harmony in Marriage”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides spiritual relationship tips related to maintaining a harmonious marriage. He offers marriage advice in answer to such questions as: “How to resolve conflict in my marriage...

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Science of Money (Abr.) (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Among the world’s richest people, who are the richest people in the world? Those with a spiritual code of ethics (highest ethics and values, and ethical behavior). In the book “The Science of Money”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains the spiritual science behind Money and it’s use. He describes that one’s ethical values create a spiritual balance sheet, influencing one’s financial balance sheet. Dadashri offers in-depth answers to qu...

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Generation Gap (Abr.) (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

It is said that parenting is the most important role in life, as well as the one for which there is the least amount of preparation! It is only natural to wonder how to be a good parent, to seek parenting advice, or to inquire into how to discipline children. Parenting teenagers requires the strongest parenting skills – and an almost endless supply of parenting tips. In the book “Generation gap”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan offers one of t...

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The Science of Karma (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Over the course of life, many people become puzzled by circumstances beyond their control – both their own and those of others. It is only natural to wonder, “Why do bad things happen to good people? While investigating, if one encounters the principle of karma, one may still be left asking, “What does karma mean, and how exactly does it work? In the book “The Science of Karma”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains the meaning of karma ...

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Worries (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

In today’s world, worry, stress and anxiety seem to have become part of daily life. Yet, who doesn’t wish to stop worrying, or wonder how to cure anxiety? Who doesn’t ask themselves what is peace of mind, and how can I live in peace? Some proclaim, “Do not worry!”, or “Stop worrying and start living”; others offer natural cures for anxiety, or teach how to get rid of negative thoughts. But the internal struggle continues… In the book “Worries”, Gnani Purush (embodi...

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Chamatkar (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

In today’s age of modernization and science, people still look for some miracles to happen. They wait for some supernatural incidents to occur. In a nation like India, the public at large believes in miracles, which gives rise to many superstitions, false beliefs and fear. How will the spiritual path lead people if these beliefs continue to prevail? What are miracles? They are some phenomenon beyond a person’s intellectual imagination. However, intellectual imaginations ...

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The Current Living Tirthankara Shree Simandhar Swami (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

For anyone wondering what is spiritual enlightenment, it is essential to learn of the 24 Tirthankaras of the past, and Tirthankaras of the present. In previous eras, it was possible to achieve instant enlightenment simply from meeting a Tirthankara. At present, such sudden enlightenment is not possible here on earth. In the current era, if one is seeking spiritual awakening, one can search for spiritual teachers, with hopes of understanding the meaning of spiritual...

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Tri Mantra (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

The religions of the world preserve the knowledge and protect the secrets of ancient powerful mantras. At the heart of world religion, and among the most powerful mantras in the history of religion, is the Navkar mantra, or Trimantra. In the book “Trimantra”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan explains the Trimantra, its mantra meaning, and the extraordinary benefits of its recitation. Whether wishing to live with no worry while facing prob...

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Satya Asatya Na Rahasyo (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

A lot of people struggle to understand what the truth is, what is not, what is right and what is wrong. There is perpetual dilemma on this differentiation of what is right and what is wrong. According to Param Pujya Dadashri, the Gnani Purush (the Enlightened One), in the worldly life there are three types of truth. One is absolute truth (Self) second is relative truth and third is untruth. In this book, Param Pujya Dadashri has discussed the meaning of absolute truth...

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Pure Love (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

For those wondering how to become more spiritual, or how to lead a spiritual life, Pure Love emerges as an essential value. Naturally one begins inquiring into the ultimate meaning of love - what is love, what is true love, and what is unconditional love? Other questions may also arise, such as: To cultivate unconditional love, is forgiveness required? If so, how can I learn to practice forgiveness prayer? Does unconditional positive regard evolve into unconditi...

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Paap-Punya (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

In the book “Paap-Punya”, the concept of paap (demerit karma) - punya (merit karma) has been discussed at length by Gnani Purush (the Enlightened One) Param Pujya Dadashri. In Param Pujya Dadashri’s simple words, he has described the concept of ‘paap-punya’ as giving happiness to others we incur punya and if we trouble anyone, if we hurt anyone by our words, deeds or behaviour, we incur paap. However, if we do pratikraman (whole hearted repentance) we can decrease the ef...

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The Flawless Vision (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Those seeking to lead a spiritual life will naturally ask themselves how to become more spiritual, and just how to live spiritual values. Is positive thinking the foundation of spirituality and, if so, how to get rid of negative thoughts? Must one somehow transcend good and bad, right and wrong? Where does one’s spiritual development truly begin? By enlightened definition, the foundation of a spiritual life is a faultless worldview; and to achieve such flawless vision...

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Life Without Conflict (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

As much as we would prefer otherwise, conflict seems woven into the very fabric of life. On a daily basis, we find ourselves dealing with difficult people, facing unhealthy relationships, or suffering marriage problems. We might say that some of our relationships are the very definition of conflict! While asking ourselves how to adjust in these circumstances, and how to handle conflict, we remain confused and perplexed. In the book “Life Without Conflict”, Gnani Purus...

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Guru and Disciple (In Gujarati)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Niruben Amin, Editor

Among the myriad of relationships in life, the one between a Guru and disciple is most sacred and unique. In the book “Guru and Disciple”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan provides insight into the nature of the Guru-disciple relationship and offers in-depth answers to questions such as: “What is spirituality and spiritual transformation, and how is a Guru necessary in this?” “What is the definition of Guru, and what is disciple?” “Ho...

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Brahmacharya-(P) : Celibacy With Understanding (In Hindi)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai, Editor

Each and every human being has the capacity to identify his Soul and attain salvation. However, one severe obstacle on this path could be sexual attraction/ infatuation. None other than a Gnani Purush (the enlightened one) can help us understand the science behind sexual attraction and help us get rid of it. In the book, Dadashri, the Gnani Purush has discussed the cause and effects of attraction that one feels towards the opposite sex. He has discussed how horrific the...

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Simple & Effective Science For Self Realization (In Hindi)

By: by Dada Bhagwan; Deepakbhai Desai, Editor

In moments of reflection, it is only natural to wonder what is the true purpose in life and to ask, behind the constant efforts made just in “living”, what is it that we are seeking? In the book “Self Realization”, Gnani Purush (embodiment of Self knowledge) Dada Bhagwan reveals the science of Self realization, describing that attaining knowledge of Self is ultimate life purpose, and is the beginning of lasting, permanent happiness. Pujya Dadashri explains that all...

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