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Taking Action for a Better World

By Boggess, Jeremy, P

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302473
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 1.66 MB
Reproduction Date: 11/11/2019

Title: Taking Action for a Better World  
Author: Boggess, Jeremy, P
Language: English
Subject: Non Fiction, Social Sciences, Globalization, Humanity, Society, Future
Collections: Authors Community, Philosophy
Publication Date:
Publisher: Jeremy P. Boggess


APA MLA Chicago

P Boggess, B. J. (2019). Taking Action for a Better World. Retrieved from

In our world today there are monumental and exponential changes occurring. These changes are happening not just in the local, international, and global arenas, but even within ourselves. Looking at ourselves, our governments, our societies, humanity, and the world in general, many questions and concerns may come to mind. Let us explore these, and discuss our responsibilities and the necessary actions that will help guide us into our future. It is important to look beyond isolationism or globalization. There are many different contributing factors to our immediate surroundings, the cultures we live in, and the changing situations that all humanity shares. And there are also many different forms of cause and effect at work. We must examine all of humanity, from the various cultures and subcultures that exist to our individual selves. The purpose of this book is to have you ask a variety of engaging questions, both of yourself and about the world around you. I want to help you explore these deep questions so you can find answers that will ultimately help you survive the intense upheavals of today.

In our world today there are monumental and exponential changes occurring. These changes are happening not just in the local, international, and global arenas, but even within ourselves. Looking at ourselves, our governments, our societies, humanity, and the world in general, many questions and concerns may come to mind. Let us explore these, and discuss our responsibilities and the necessary actions that will help guide us into our future. It is important to look beyond isolationism or globalization. There are many different contributing factors to our immediate surroundings, the cultures we live in, and the changing situations that all humanity shares. And there are also many different forms of cause and effect at work. We must examine all of humanity, from the various cultures and subcultures that exist to our individual selves. The purpose of this book is to have you ask a variety of engaging questions, both of yourself and about the world around you. I want to help you explore these deep questions so you can find answers that will ultimately help you survive the intense upheavals of today.

Table of Contents
Introduction Chapter One: Changes Occurring in the Fractionalized World of Today Threshold Edge of a Frightening and Unknown World Changing World—Change, Flexibility, and Adaptability History Repeated Changing World: Beginning or End? Actions in Our Shrinking World Cultural Interaction Fear of the Loss of Culture Loss of Traditions Upholding Traditions The Opportunity for Opportunists—the Lure of the Radical or Extremist Opportunity for the Opportunist—Filling the Void Extremism and Radicalism in Society or Government Opportunity for the Opportunist—Belief in Superiority, Desire for Past Glory, or Simple Greed Opportunity for the Opportunist—Compliancy Empowers Opportunity for the Opportunist—Divisions Perceptions and Assumptions Communication for Survival in Our New World Chapter Two: Action, Apathy, and Consequences Power of the Individual Our Inactions and Actions Laws Can Test Us Apathy and Reluctance—More Dangerous than Opposition Apathy Trap Combating Apathy and Inaction Missed Opportunities Soldier on for Redemption Pursuit of our Goals Accepting Responsibility for Others Choices We Offer—And our Responsibility for Creating Options Choices We Offer—Results and Consequences Responsibility of Knowledge Chapter Three: Our Government Isolationism or Globalization: Kick in Head or Kick in the Groin? Dangers of the Slippery Slope Favoritism—In the Swing of the Pendulum, the Middle is Lost Middle versus the Extreme Who is Fighting? Isolationism for Cultural Preservation Globalization and Global Collaboration—There is No Going Back Globalization is Happening Now Our Duty and Failure to Government Followers Looking to be Led Our Duty to Replacement of Leadership Our Duty to Leadership—Creation of Leadership Types of Leadership Our Duty to Follow the Majority and Requirement to Defy it When Necessary Convenience or Conformability Government—Today versus Tomorrow Freedom—Limits and Boundaries Freedom—Its Importance Teaching of Freedom Freedom—Our Personal Obligation Protecting and Supporting Beliefs Living by our Beliefs, Values, and Ideals Beliefs, Values, and Ideals—The Action of Challenge Beliefs, Values, and Ideals—Strengthened through Challenge Change The Need of Society for the Individual Result of a Loss of the Individual in Society Creativity or Stagnation Encouraging Creativity The Importance of the Preservation of Individuality in Society Growth of the Outcast as a Community Everyone Contributes or Makes an Honest Effort Helping Others Find their Potential for Contributing Our Failure in Preserving the Ability to Contribute Rewards and Responsibilities Chapter Four: The Future of Ourselves and Society The Current Path of Society Hope for the Future Looking Back Going Forward Education Is an Investment, Not an Expense Children and Future Generations Technology The Human Potential and the Future of the Species Chapter Five: Balance the Equation Balance Imbalance Leading to Extremism Finding Balance Inequality Breeds Instability Ensuring that our Lifestyle and Quality of Life Survives into the Future Growth Migration Population Education for Balance in the Future Wealth: Perception and Need The Imbalance of the Pyramid of Wealth for the Individual Globally Economics in Tomorrow Wealth: Bringing Bigotry or Opportunity? The Future of Wealth Economics Other than Monetary Retaining the Conveniences, Pleasures, and Quality of Life into Tomorrow Changing Our methods in Order to Retain Our Conveniences, Pleasures, and Quality of Life into Tomorrow Balancing the Economy and the Environment for a Future Balancing the Environment for an Economic Future The Depletion of the Environmental Principal Environmental Stewardship Rewarding and Enforcing Environmental Responsibility Environmental Interconnection, Stability, and Future Chapter Six: Ourselves and Society Understanding Ourselves within Society—Power Within Understanding Ourselves within Society—Our Actions Understanding Ourselves within Society—Examination Understanding Ourselves within Society—Reflection Truths Protecting the Naïveté within Ourselves Changing Society Changing Ourselves Prejudice and Racism Our Acceptance Why Are We Here? Joy of Others Do Not Forget to Live Endnotes Cardboard Philosophy Exostentialism: Chaos Introduction to Exostentialism Exostentialism and Society Exostentialism Changing and Affecting Ourselves and Society Freedom, Freewill, Choices, and Options for the Exostentialist Responsibility and the Exostentialist Exostentialism and the Forcing of Choice


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