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Addendum to Evolution : Origins of the World

By Murthy, BS

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Book Id: WPLBN0100302111
Format Type: PDF eBook:
File Size: 0.2 MB
Reproduction Date: 13/11/2019

Title: Addendum to Evolution : Origins of the World  
Author: Murthy, BS
Language: English
Subject: Origins of life, Human Evolution, Evolution of the species, Origins of the world, Evolution of vegetation, Evolution of winged species, Non Fiction, New theory of Evolution, Evolutionary science, Speculative theory of evolution, Philosophy of evolution, Hindu theory of evolution, Interpretation of Dasāvatara, Geography, Anthropology,
Collections: Classical Antiquity, Authors Community
Publication Date:
Summer 2004
Publisher: The Examined Life On-Line Philosophy Journal, Vol. 05 Issue 18
Member Page: BS Murthy


APA MLA Chicago

Murthy, B. B. (Summer 2004). Addendum to Evolution. Retrieved from

This is a speculative theory about the origins of the world and the evolution of humans and other species as well as vegetation on earth.

While the evolution of the animal kingdom itself framed the laws of the jungle, man had to evolve his own framework of rules so as to coexist. And the subconscious of the procreative process, symbolized by gives and takes, would have shaped his initial conduct. But at some stage, some sense of insecurity would have come to dominate his conscious mind that insensibly altered the boundaries of his subconscious comfort zone of give and take. Wanting to gain more to secure against imaginary threats and concede less and less as if to avoid the feared erosion and/or both became the credo of man that narrowed the give and take zone of human harmony. In time, in man, the urge to gain became bereft of the purpose to gain and the need to retain lost the sense of the need itself. Inevitably, in the end, man came to bring misery upon him and inflict injury on the world of the species.

Creation vs. Evolution ‘One might approach this postulation as an addendum to evolution for it comes in the wake of the great works of the past. It would seem logical that any proposition about evolution cannot bypass the idea of creation, buttressed with a religious belief by those closer to the beginnings of life. Just the same, though all religions propagate the word that God created the world, nevertheless their scriptures differ about the way he went about it. Given the religious assertion that God is the personification of perfection, one needs to reckon whether he would have created an imperfect world such as ours! Besides, how come his intellect that placed planets in the orbits failed to visualise a quake-free earth that is volcano-prone as well! The scriptures that picture him as the All-Merciful, however, prevaricate when it comes to the unjust ‘species feeding upon species’ way of his creation. Would it not then make a case for viewing with suspicion the religious assertion that the world was his creation? That was what many Hindu seers of yore were obviously at, going by their advocacy that the species of the world was the result of an evolutionary process.

Table of Contents
The paper is divided into the following sections: 1) Creation vs. Evolution 2) Upanishadic Theory of Evolution 3) Western Theory of Evolution 4) Addendum to Evolution 5) Onamic Formation 6) Plunamic Progression 7) The Qunamic State 8) Constraints of Survival 9) Formation of Vegetation 10) Human Evolution 11)Puranic Speculation


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